Introduction to A New Enhance Type and Comparison of Different Enhance Types in aiTransformer


    aiTransformer added a new enhance type - AI enhance with face restoration, which is based on an AI algorithm particularly good with faces. It can help you make flawless selfies.

    Up to now, aiTransformer has 5 different enhance types: AI overall enhance,  detail enhance, sharpen, brighten, and AI enhance with face restoration. Every type has its own strength and weakness.

     AI overall enhance, brighten are general enhancers, they can be applied to all images: portraits, landscapes, buildings... Results are generally decent.

     Detail Enhance magnifies details, Sharpen  improves edges.  This makes them good for enhancing landscapes, objects, etc...But if they are applied on faces, the results won't be pretty.

Comparison of the original, detail enhance and sharpen on faces

Comparison of the original, detail enhance and sharpen on objects

      AI enhance with face restoration does overall enhancement and in particular restores faces when present.

      Here are some examples for comparison.

Comparison of the original and 5 different enhance types on landscape

Comparison of the original and 5 different enhance types on face

