How to Turn Your Own Videos into Cartoon Movies: Video Cartoonizer- A New Feature



Cartoon Version of Charade by Cary Grant and Audrey Hepburn 1963

We just added a new function in AI Image TransformerVideo Cartoonizer, which I'm quite excited about. 

Try it out, make your own cartoon movies. It's easy to use, select the video you want to turn to a cartoon movie, "upload to process". It could take a few minutes to transform, depends on the size and the number of frames in the video. The limit of the video size is 100M. If you have a larger video, split it into several smaller ones first.

For long running processes, the progress bar may not be updated correctly due to interrupted communication link between client (your browser or app) and the server, probably because of internet fluctuation. Then the result fails to show. It's rare, but it happens. In this case, you need to redo the "Upload to Process". In most cases the server has already done the work and the result is already there, then the redo will be fast. A tip for redo, you can't directly re-select the same video, the button "Upload to Process" is grey, what you can do is to select another video, the button turns green, don't hit "Upload to Process" yet, select back to the video you want to redo, the button should be still green, you can redo now.

Now download the movie and post on social medias, boast to your friends about you own cartoon.
