aiTransformer synthesized eng114: A poem AI wrote to pay tribute to Labo...

It's Labor Day, here is a poem AI wrote to pay tribute to this day. 

Today we celebrate the labor
Of those who built this nation
With their sweat and blood and valor
They deserve our admiration

They worked in farms and factories
In mines and mills and offices
They fought for rights and dignity
They shaped our history and progress

They are the heroes of our story
The backbone of our society
They are the source of our glory
The engine of our economy

Today we honor their legacy
With gratitude and respect
We enjoy their fruits and bounty
We salute their courage and intellect

Happy Labor Day to all workers
You make this country great
You are the dreamers and makers
You are the ones we appreciate

#aigenerated #aivideo #aishorts 
Text to video in seconds, using #aiTransformer #Speech_Synthesizer (


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