Background or Foreground, that is the question------Intruduction of the new feature: Apply Styles to Regions
aiTransformer just added a new feature: Apply Styles to Regions, in both Stylizer and Multistylizer. There are three options:"All", "Foreground" and "Background". “All" is the default option, it applies the chosen style to the whole image. Multistylizer:Bamboo by Shi Tao, All "Foreground" only applies the chosen style to the forepart and keeps the background unchanged. Multistylizer: Woodcutter by Kazimir Malevich, Foreground Stylizer:The Great Wave off Kanagawa by Hokusai, Foreground "Background" does the apposite, applies the chosen style to the background and keeps the foreground unchanged. Stylizer:The Birth of Venus by Sandro Botticelli, Background Let's...